Views sought on local Policing and Community Safety Partnership
3 February 2025

The Derry and Strabane Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) is conducting an online survey to gauge the public’s views on community safety and crime concerns.
The PCSP aims to help make communities safer by focussing on the Policing and Community Safety issues that matter most across the council area, to ensure that the voices of local people are heard and to empower communities to work in partnership to develop solutions. PCSPs work with the community to identify issues of concern in the local area and prepare plans to deliver practical solutions that will help to tackle crime, the fear of crime and anti-social behaviour.
The Derry and Strabane PCSP works in partnership to identify and co-ordinate the delivery of community safety projects that are innovative, reflect good practices and involve community groups and partners agencies.
The partnership also operates a Policing Committee comprised of its Elected/ Independent Members with the aim of improving community confidence in policing.
Encouraging people to give their views, the PCSP Chair, Councillor Martin Reilly, said: “Everyone can play their part in helping to protect their local community and we can work together to tackle the issues more effectively on the ground. This community safety survey is your chance to highlight the issues in your area and help us develop strategies to keep our community safe. It is an opportunity for you to let us know what the PCSP could do for you and your community and where to focus our resources.
“I would encourage everyone to have their say and take a few minutes to complete the online Community Safety survey. We really appreciate everyone’s input - your voice matters in crime prevention and keeping our community safe”.
To fill in the online survey just click on this link which will be available until Friday 21st February 2025.