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Equality Scheme

Equality Scheme

Our Equality Scheme is a statement of our commitment to fulfil the statutory obligations in compliance with Section 75 and Schedule 9 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998. This Act places a duty on us to promote equality of opportunities and good relations.  Our Equality Scheme is in place to integrate equality and diversity into all areas of Council service delivery, decision-making and policy development.

An equality scheme outlines the public authority's arrangements for:

  • assessing its compliance with the duties under section 75
  • assessing and consulting on the likely impact of policies on the promotion of equality of opportunity
  • monitoring any adverse impact of policies on the promotion of equality of opportunity
  • publishing the results of such assessments
  • training staff
  • ensuring and assessing public access to information and services provided by the public authority.


We will commit necessary resources (in terms of people, time and money) to make sure that the statutory duties are complied with and that the Equality Scheme can be implemented effectively and in a timely manner.

The Equality Scheme was approved by the Equality Commission on 24th May 2017 and reviewed in February 2020

Download the Equality Scheme 

Download the Equality Action Plan 2020-2023


This information is available upon request in a number of formats including large print, Braille, PDF, audio formats (CD, MP3, DAISY) and minority languages. For further information on alternative formats please contact Tel 028 71 253253 or e-mail [email protected]

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