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Local Democracy


For the last 13 years Council have hosted a series of events during Local Democracy Week.  The event is aimed to raise young people's awareness of how local Council's operate.  It also informs them about opportunities for taking part in local decision-making and as a result draws attention to how their involvement in local affairs is crucial in upholding local democracy.

Due to COVID-19 restrictions we are unable to deliver the usual programme of hosting the events in the Guildhall.  The programme is designed this year to encourage schools to invite the Mayor and Elected Members to take part in a number of events during October/November/December 2021 as outlined in this pack.

Download the Programme

What do young people get from the programme?

·     Find out information on the services that Derry City and Strabane District Council provides..

·     Be listened to and express their views on political roles.

·     Get to know their local Councillors and learn about their roles and responsibilities. 

·     Find out about the democratic and decision making processes and how they can take part.

What do Councillors get out of the programme?

·     Promote their work in communities and explain their role and responsibilities.

·     Tell young people how the Council currently operates.

·     Engage with young people on a face-to-face basis to increase their confidence in Councillors.

·     Listen to young people’s views to gain a better understanding of what is important to them.

·     Tell young people about how they can get involved in the local democratic process.


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