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Don't Mow, Let it Grow

Our grass cutting campaign aims to nurture local bee population

We are on a drive to nurture and increase the local bee population with the relaunch of a successful grass cutting campaign.

Our Don't Mow, Let it Grow initiative seen a reduced grass cutting in some areas of local parks and cemeteries over the summer months while free wildflower seed packets where distributed to the public to encourage them to do the same in their homes.

The aim of the campaign was to increase places for pollinators like bees and butterflies to live and feed off.

The Pollinator Plan forms part of Council's pioneering Green Infrastructure Plan and Biodiversity Officer, Christine Doherty, said it could play a key role in fighting the extinction of many species of bees on the island of Ireland.

"One third of the bee population on our island are at risk of extinction due to starvation and reduced habitat space," she explained. "If we let the bee population continue to decline, it will have a major impact on our food supplies, choices and prices. Wildflowers provide a great source of food for bees enabling them to thrive.

"That is why we have taken action to change how we manage grass cutting across 30 hectares of our Council estate, 23 cemeteries and 11 of our large green spaces.

"The grass will be growing throughout the summer to allow the wildflowers to grow, flower and set their seeds for next year so we can have sustainable wildflower meadows and a source of food for these pollinators year on year.

"The grass will then be cut and lifted in August and again in April, enabling our wildflowers to flourish again next year. You can also play your part by creating a small patch of wildflowers at home (roughly 1metre sq) and leaving the grass to grow a bit longer.

"By encouraging your neighbours to do it too you could potentially create wildlife corridors to bring back the bees and butterflies."






Closing Date 11th October, 12noon

We are delighted to share with you details of a new grant scheme, now open for applications!
The Rural Community Pollinator Grants Scheme will provide capital grants from £3,000 to £12,000 covering 95% of costs to community groups and schools wishing to establish, enhance or develop a local community pollinator garden. 
Proposed projects must meet three or more of the following objectives: 

  • Enhance the environmental management and quality of a local area by planting a variety of plants for pollinators.
  • Benefiting the wider community and environment.
  • Increasing community access to biodiversity rich sites
  • Creating a positive legacy within the community.  
  • Increasing civic pride through a programme of community engagement.
  • Improve the health and wellbeing of communities and biodiversity whilst helping to improve and/or maintain community spaces
  • Increasing the biodiversity value of an area by re-introducing native species. 

The project needs to be located in a rural area.  For the purposes of this Scheme, rural is defined as all those areas outside the statutory development limits of those towns with a population in excess of 5,000 inhabitants.  

Who can apply? 

  • Volunteer, community groups and NGOs
  • ‘Friends Of’ groups
  • Non-constituted groups 
  • Schools and third level education organisations
  • Youth groups, sports clubs, churches.
  • Not for Profit Organisations managing community spaces 

This grant programme is wholly supported by the Department of Agriculture, Environment & Rural Affairs, promoted through Live Here Love Here and administered by Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful.
 Applications must be submitted by 11th October 202112noon deadline.

Please read all the guidance notes before you begin your application. Download Guidance Notes

This will certainly be another year of obstacles, but we will be here as support throughout the application process as always and will be as flexible as possible! Apply Now

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