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Mayor's Biography


Patricia Logue has been an elected councillor in the city for the last 18 years. First elected to Derry City Council in 2005, Patricia has represented the Moor on the new Derry City & Strabane District Council since its inception in 2014.During that time Patricia has served on a number of key council committees and been central to efforts to drive forward regeneration across the city. 

Patricia is committed to being a Mayor for All and working for every single citizen across the Derry and Strabane district. She will use her time as first citizen to promote a positive vision for the area that is focused on delivering first-class council services, economic regeneration and a better for all. 

Patricia has chosen the Ryan McBride Foundation and Foyle Hospice as her charities and will fundraise and promote the work of these organisations during her term in the Guildhall. 

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