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Active Travel

The North West Greenway Network is committed to delivering infrastructure that will link people and places, thus enabling choice around travel options. As part of the programme’s remit, one of our partners – Sustrans – has employed an Active Travel Officer. Their role is to encourage change around travel, providing advice, guidance and training to encourage people to travel actively. Whether it is providing information on suitable routes, cycle training or writing sustainable travel plans, the Active Travel Officer is here to assist organisations – big and small – to make that change.

The Active Travel Officer will provide access to a wide range of engagement activities, events and tools aimed at empowering individuals/workplaces to take action to make changes to how they travel. These will include:

  • Individual travel planning advice
  • Creation of cycle/walking route maps
  • Awareness raising, led rides and walks
  • Car share groups
  • Training and support to promote active and sustainable travel

Through the enhancement of cycling infrastructure in Derry, Donegal and Tyrone, we hope to deliver routes that are safe, suitable and convenient for cyclists and walkers – therefore encouraging active travel.

For most people, the easiest and most acceptable forms of physical activity are those that can be built into everyday life. Examples include walking or cycling instead of travelling by car, and using stairs instead of lifts. ‘Active travel’ (or active transportation or mobility) means walking or cycling as an alternative to motorised transport (notably cars, motorbikes/mopeds) for the purpose of making every day journeys.

Walking and cycling are good for our physical and mental health. Switching journeys to active travel improves health, quality of life and the environment, while at the same time reducing costs to the public purse. These are substantial ‘win-wins’ that benefit individual people and the community as a whole.

As well as the health benefits to active travel, it also helps to reduce congestion, improve air quality and reduce the amount of carbon that is released into the atmosphere.

For more information or to access the support available contact [email protected] 

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