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Health & Safety at Work

The main aim of the Health & Safety Team is to ensure that risks to people’s health & safety from work activities are properly controlled and to improve the health of our workforce by helping to reduce accidents and ill health in the workplace thereby contributing to improvement of the overall economic and social wellbeing of our community.

Council Environmental Health Officers also raises awareness of health and safety issues and provides support and advice to businesses, employees and members of the public. We enforce health and safety law through inspection of workplaces and the investigation of accidents and complaints.

Officers from the Health & Safety Team will also:

  • Provide information and advice regarding health and safety issues to business owners, employees and members of the public
  • Inspect workplaces to help ensure improved standard of health, safety and welfare at work
  • Register certain types of businesses and activities for health & safety
  • Investigate and deal with complaints about unsafe working conditions or practices
  • Investigate accidents at work
  • Promote health and safety standards in workplaces

Who carries out health and safety inspections?

In Northern Ireland, local councils and the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland (HSENI) are responsible for health and safety in different sectors. Depending on the type of business, you may be inspected (without prior notice) by an environmental health officer or by the Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland. The table below shows the organisations responsible for inspections.


Derry City and Strabane District Council

Health and Safety Executive (NI)

Service Sector


Retail Outlets


Wholesale Outlets

Government Property


Mines and Quarries


Schools and Universities


Chemical plants

Residential Homes


Places of Entertainment


Recreation Facilities

Hospitals and Nursing Homes

Childcare and Nursery Type Facilities


Care and Treatment of Animal Facilities


Church, Worship or Religious Meetings





The below links can provide useful information for your business.

The Booklet will  help you understand exactly what you need to do to effectively manage health and safety. The aim is to give you simple advice that you can easily understand and put into practice within your business.

Protect your Profit


Useful Websites - Health and Safety Executive for Northern Ireland  - Health and Safety Executive Great Britain  -  European Agency for Safety and Health at Work - Workplace Health Leadership Group Northern Ireland


Contact Details

For further information contact Health & Safety and Consumer Protection Team 

T:  028 71253253 

E:  [email protected]

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